36-metals sample in stainless steel

36 metal standards plus Faraday Cup. Mounted and polished in a 24.9 mm diameter, 9 mm high, stainless steel 316L block with M4 at the bottom. 

Embedded elements:
1. Iridium 10. Rhodium 19. Zirconium 28. Manganese
2. Platinum 11. Palladium 20. Yttrium 29. Chromium
3. Gold 12. Silver 21. Selenium 30. Vanadium
4. Bismuth 13. Cadmium 22. Iron 31.  Titanium
5. Osmium 14. Tin 23. Cobalt 32. Scandium
6. Hafnium 15. Antimony 24. Nickel 33. Beryllium
7. Tantalum 16. Ruthenium 25. Copper 34. Carbon
8. Tungsten 17. Molybdenum 26. Zinc 35. Aluminium
9. PbTe 18. Niobium 27. Germanium 36. Silicon

Can be mounted on these SEM brands:
FEI / Thermo Fisher, Hitachi*, Jeol*, Phenom, Tescan and Zeiss microscopes.

  • Product number: 36_Met_Blk
  • Price per unit: € 1.690,-
* Require a pin stub adapter
36-metals sample in stainless steel
36-metals sample in stainless steel