Peak deconvolution reference sample with 10 minerals

Used as a challenging test sample for (auto) peak identification and quantification. Useful as a learning sample during user training to explain peak overlap and the challenges associated with it.

EDS Peak Deconvolution test sample. It is mounted and polished in a standard 12.5 mm pin stub.

  1. Zinkenite – Pb9Sb22S42
  2. Galena – PbS
  3. Enargite – Cu3AsS4 
  4. Molybdenite – MoS2
  5. Wulfenite – PbMoO4
  6. Galkhaite – (Cs,Ti) (Hg,Cu,Zn)6(As,Sb)4S12
  7. Kleinite – Hg2N(Cl,SO4).n(H2O)
  8. Benitoite – BaTiSi3O9
  9. Kosnarite – KZr2(PO4)3
  10. Cinnabar – HgS

Can be mounted on these SEM brands:
FEI / Thermo Fisher, Hitachi*, Jeol*, Phenom, Tescan and Zeiss microscopes.


  • Product number: 10_PD_FC
  • Price per unit: € 687,50
* Require a pin stub adapter
Peak deconvolution reference sample with 10 minerals
Peak deconvolution reference sample with 10 minerals BSD image
Peak deconvolution reference sample with 10 minerals